Joyful Connections – Classes for Parent & Baby

16935 W. Bernardo Dr. Suite 140
San Diego, Ca 92129

Visit her website for available classes

Hello there!

My journey ofmotherhood began 13 years ago and I now dance alongside my  four little human beings navigating the many twists and turns along the way. One thing that I have always held onto is no matter how out-of-sync life my feel, embracing joy in the daily moments keeps me connected and brings me back to a rhythm which helps keep us all dancing to a similar beat.

I have come to realize that through the process of creating my services, I have been on a journey of my own self discovery and I am continually learning and becoming. I have now found a place to integrate my knowledge and skills as an Occupational Therapist with that of baby massage, baby wearing, dance and mindfulness to offer unique, intentional services that help support and nurture the early seasons of motherhood.